Walks in Europe
Like most Brits, whilst we love our local countryside, we also like to venture further afield. Like the swallows we like to fly south in the winter for some sun, so southern Europe is a regular destination. We were also lucky and delighted that our 3 week house-sitting trip to Ireland in 2023 also gave us stunning weather. Hopefully these blogs will give you some inspiration for walks in Europe, all of which are easily accessed from nothern airports.
Walk in Malaga City
We have been enjoying walks in Malaga City almost every February/March since 2016 and have explored many routes around the city and along the approximately 10km of promenade that extends along the coast both east and west of the city centre. This walk in Malaga City is a short circular walk of approximately 5km that…
Trip to Garinish Island
If you are visiting south-west Cork in Ireland a trip to Garinish Island is on many people’s ‘to do’ list. With a leisurely 3 weeks to explore the area, we visited in mid-May – it was a lovely sunny day and we thought we had better visit whilst the weather was good. As it turned…
Bere Island
Bere Island Trip with a parkrun Another Day in Paradise Saturday was yet another beautiful day and we jumped in the car before 8:00am as we had a ferry to catch. The road from Coomkeen on the Sheep’s Head Peninsular is a challenge in itself, as it is a winding single track that is very…
Walks on Sheep’s Head Peninsular, County Cork
We were lucky enough to get the chance to house sit for a friend’s sister on Sheep’s Head Peninsular, Bantry in south-west Ireland for three weeks this May. Although we took laptops with us and kept on our client work, it gave us the perfect opportunity to explore some completely new areas. In this blog…