Strathblane Circular Walk, Stirlingshire

Strathblane Circular route - view of Campsie fells

Strathblane Circular Walk, Stirlingshire HomeWalkingWild SwimmingRunningDays OutBirdsBook Reviews Views, new plants and a lunchtime dip We have a bit of an ongoing joke between us that when I choose the route we end up without a footpath and when Peter chooses the route it is much longer than intended. As it was a hot day…

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Walk at Lochmaben, Dumfries & Galloway

Lochmaben walk sculpture

Walk at Lochmaben, Dumfries & Galloway HomeWalkingWild SwimmingRunningDays OutBirdsBook Reviews A Walk that Packs a Punch We discovered this walk from Lochmaben by pure accident – and what a happy accident. This walk has it all: a variety of ecosystems, local history, sculptures, excellent interpretation boards, easy navigation and good access – oh yes and…

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